Prof. Milenko Vlajkov is from Novi Sad, Serbia and 73 years old.
For the last 52 years he has dedicated his life to meditation and personal development. Milenko is a master and teacher of meditation, as well as a lineage-holder of a teaching, that was developed in Tibet in the 9th century AD, which he received from a Tibetan Rinpoche and medical doctor in the timespan of 1971-1984. It is called “The Teaching of the Noble Mind”. Vlajkov’s task was/is to find the western scientific evidence and explanations to the eastern wisdom that was taught and transmissioned to him
In worldly life Milenko is a psychologist and psychotherapist. He was Professor for Industrial and Organisational Psychology at the University Novi Sad, Yugoslawia and is the founder and director of the Institute for Cognitive Management in Stuttgart, Germany.
He is a psychotherapist trained in Talk therapy, Behaviour Therapy, Hypnosis, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (RE&CBT), for which he received Primary, Advanced und Associate Fellowship Certificates from the Albert Ellis Institute, NY, for which he is also an international supervisor and sits in the board International Training Standards and Policy Review Committee. He is member of the International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy (IACP) as well as the American Psychological Association (APA)
He has developed the “Individual Potential Analysis”, a scientific analytical-method to offer better individual career advise and the “ATOS”-Method (Autogenic Training without Suggestions) – a method to harmonise all neurophysiological subsystems of a human, based on the findings of Jean Piaget).
He is a scientific researcher, a book author, a “living world-encyclopedia”, was a company- and business-advisor (among others AGR, Mercedes Benz, Red Bull), a polyglot, an acupuncturist, a certified chess-master, a globetrotter, once a marathon runner and karate practitioner, now keeping fit by doing yoga and jogging, a family man, a medical phenomenon, a lecturer, the most pleasant and most genuine company you can possibly imagine. A man who successfully and effortlessly brings together Eastern wisdom and Western pragmatism.