Respiratory Therapy

Our breathing plays a vital role for our health.

We can live weeks without food, days without water, but mostly a couple of minutes without breathing.

In addition to the exchange of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2), our breathing has a direct influence on our autonomic nervous system.
This allows us to activate
our stress system (sympathetic activation = fight or flight mechanism)
as well as
our regeneration and recovery (parasympathetic activation = rest and digest).


In recent years, research on influencing these conditions has increased significantly.
Two respiratory techniques have proven to be particularly effective here are:
– Wim Hof breathing
– Buteyko breathing


 There are two different approaches to respiratory therapy:
On the one hand, the approach to treat the breath in and of itself.
The other approach deals with the possibility of treating a person through a more conscious and altered breathing.
Say, to affect the respiratory behavior.
Although human respiration is a basic function that happens involuntarily, it can also be voluntarily be influenced. In this way, the entire function of the body can be influenced and ultimately harmonized.


The different techniques of pranayama

– special breathing techniques from yoga –
can help very efficiently in this process.