Sleep disorders

Who does not want that?
When the time comes, you lie down, fall asleep quickly, sleep deeply through the night and wake up full of energy in the morning.
Unfortunately, this is a rarity for many people. The reasons for this are diverse.

First, there are problems of falling asleep and staying asleep,
on the other hand disorders of the waking-sleep-rhythm, poor sleep hygiene, nightmares, night-anxiety, ruminating or even sleep-apnea-syndrome.

It is best to clarify what exactly is with you individually.
It is advisable to illuminate thoughts and feelings, as well as the sleeping conditions such as space, sleep time, room temperature, noise and light sources.
Diet, medication and recreational consumption can also cause significant disorders.
Another important component is breathing behavior, which has a direct impact on our vegetative nervous system.

With a holistic approach of
respiratory therapy
and recommendations for sleep hygiene
one can specifically solve problems and bring about a significant improvement in sleep and thus quality of life.

 What does a normal, healthy sleep look like?

  • Knowledge of normal sleep is also a prerequisite for being able to assess which parts of your own sleep are “healthy” and which are “disturbed”. An example: Many patients complain that they regularly wake up for the first time after an hour and a half. In fact, waking up to a natural, healthy sleep routine can be part of it. (Human sleep proceeds in cycles of around 90 minutes plus falling asleep.
  • Furthermore, knowledge of normal sleep also provides the basis for understanding the causes of one’s own sleep disorder. One example: especially in older patients, the short nod in front of the television in the evening is not associated with their sleep-through problems. In fact, a “mini sleep” in the evening, even if it only lasts a minute, can significantly affect night sleep.
  • After all, knowing how healthy sleep works is a prerequisite for understanding why you should change certain behaviors to improve sleep. Without this understanding, one would very quickly doubt the meaning of such behavior changes, which are often not easy to implement, and then only half-heartedly implement them. An example: A general recommendation for sleep disorders is that you should observe regular getting up and going to bed. Without the understanding of sleep as a biological rhythm, it should actually be very difficult to get out of bed at the usual time (e.g. 6:30 a.m.) on Sunday morning.